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Yukiko Okuno
10.09, 14:00-15:30
Wstęp płatny, LIMIT MIEJSC (30zł/dorośli, 15zł/under 18yo)
W tytule maila prosimy wpisać: “Japanese workshop Zaparzaj”
Nihongo (Japanese language) and Shodō (Calligraphy) workshop. What do “Sencha”, “Matcha”, and “Gyokuro”mean in Japanese? Can you recognize the character meaning “tea”? Please learn the very basics about the Japanese language and also feel more familiar with tea names, names of the tea ceremony utensils, etc. You will also have the chance to try calligraphy yourself!! Write your favorite Japanese words with a brush in black ink!
Workshop will be held in English, but there will be a lot of charts/photographs and calligraphy-demonstration, so everyone can understand well.
Your instructor, Yukiko (@dom_japonski_kitsutsuki) is a Japanese, living in Poznan for about 10 years. She has the licenses of Japanese Language Teacher and Japanese Tea Instructor.