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Anna Kozłowska, Anna Brożyna, WUYI STAR
The taste of Wuyi mountains: Oolong tea
10.09, 12:00-13:30
Wstęp wolny, limit 12 miejsc
W tytule maila prosimy wpisać: “WUYI OOLONG”
Together with WUYI STAR we will explore oolong tea..
This meeting will be so much fun, not only because we will be able to share with you the great history of the company and its knowledge on how to distinguish four kinds of oolong tea in China, their variety, the processing ,the sensory but we will brew and try all of those teas.
We will also connect with China and have time for some Q&A.
This meeting will be hosted by Anna Kozłowska, this year’s Wuyi Star volunteer program graduee and Ms. Caroline from the Wuyi Star Company.