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Areek from RisheTea
Free of charge, 12 seats
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(please write in the title of your email: “Rishe Tea”)
The experience of quiet joy and clarity, was as unexpected as it was overwhelming.
And in that moment, I entered the Journey that never ends… the Way of Tea.
Over the following days and weeks I gradually tasted all the teas and before long found myself alone behind the tea counter. Thanks to the wonderful people I met.
I met, I learned a lot about tea. Over the years I worked in teahouses in Pardubice, Prague, Brno and Bratislava, took part in an expedition to South Asia, visited plantations in China and Taiwan … and remained loyal to Japan.
Over time, I started to organize tastings, lecture about tea and sell tea.
As time passed, my knowledge and demands grew until I had no choice but to find teas to my liking and start importing.
And so I am fulfilling my dream – Making people happy by doing what I enjoy:
Importing the best teas from amazing people for those who want the best.
Workshop in English
Areek J. Martinec